- Quarter Pints $81.40 per case*
(48 per case / $1.69 per quarter pint) *2 flavors
- Half Pints $72.60 per case*
(24 per case / $3.00 per half pint) *2 flavors
- Pints $62.70 per case
(12 per case / $5.23 per pint)
- 6-Quart Tub $52.80
(192 ounces / $.28 per ounce)
- 5-Liter Pan $46.48
(169 ounces / $.28 per ounce)
- 3-Gallon $105.60
(384 ounces / $.28 per ounce)
- Quarter Pints $92.40 per case*
(48 per case / $1.93 per quarter pint) *2 flavors
- Half Pints $85.80 per case*
(24 per case / $3.58 per half pint) *2 flavors
- Pints $72.60 per case
(12 per case / $6.00 per pint)
- 6-Quart Tub $63.36
(192 ounces / $.33 per ounce)
- 5-Liter Pan $55.77
(169 ounces / $.33 per ounce)
- 3-Gallon $126.72
(384 ounces / $.33 per ounce)
All cases equal to six quarts.
Minimum order of two quarts of a flavor.
There is a 15% upcharge on all flavors that include the addition of alcohol or nuts.
Custom flavors are available. Contact for pricing.
Prices are subject to change at any time due to the changing cost of ingredients.
There is a minimum of 12 quarts per order and a $10 delivery fee within the Nashville area. On all orders outside of Nashville, prices vary.
Orders can be placed by emailing us at or by phone at 615.305.9293.